Monday, May 2, 2011

Going Out For A Swim

Did you know that energy influences you on every level?

One day our family of seven was driving home after visiting grandma and grandpa. While in the car headed home my wife turned to me and said: "Why don't we take the kids swimming in the lake?" My immediate reaction was: "The weather isn't all that good. Some of them might not want to."

Then I did something I've often done prior to going for a swim. I turned the air conditioning off. In fact, I also turned the heating slightly up. Instead of suggesting that we go swimming, suspecting that some of the kids might disagree, we merely waited a few minutes. Pretty soon the kids began exchanging complaints about how hot it was. As a solution to the problem, mum and dad jointly suggested (with Passion): "Hey everybody, would you like to go swimming?" Everyone responded - in unison - "yeah, let's go swimming".

Surprised? Not at all. Instead of just tossing around an idea which might have fallen on stony ground, we spent just a few seconds thinking about what we could do to stimulate the demand and then added a couple of minutes with patient waiting.

- Lesson -
Temperature is energy and can be applied to influence someone.

- Principle -
Try this trick a few times on the same people, and they'll catch you. Sooner or later manipulation will be found out and you'll risk losing trust.